Account Self-Service for Students: Students must be logged into their school email through and not use outside emails. Students have the ability to retrieve their usernames and reset passwords, independent of teachers and staff. Directions on using self-service can be found online.
Webinar for Parents en Espanol: HCPSS will co-host a web conference entirely in Spanish with the Howard County Foreign-Born Information and Referral Network (FIRN) on Wednesday, April 22, from 11 a.m. - noon. Dr. Caroline Walker, HCPSS Executive Director of Program Innovation and Student Well-Being, and Elisa Montalvo, HCPSS Hispanic Achievement Specialist, will discuss HCPSS' response to COVID-19, including the Continuity of Learning plan, student technology and connectivity, and food support.
4th Quarter Grading: The HCPSS Board of Education approved changes to quarter 4 grading. For the 2019-2020 school year, quarter 4 grades of "pass" or "incomplete" would be assigned, with students completing at least 50% of quarter 4 assignments earning a pass. Students will have an opportunity to make up missing work. Additional information is provided online.
Assessments: Maryland received approval to waive federal 2019-2020 Assessment and Accountability Requirements, thus HCPSS will not administer the MCAP English language, mathematics, science and social studies assessments, the American Government high school assessment or the Maryland School Survey for this school year. On Tuesday, the State Board of Education additionally waived the requirement for this year's high school seniors to pass assessments for Algebra I, English 10, and American Government or to participate in the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA).
Meal Distribution Service: Meal distribution service is provided at 14 county locations, including Hollifield Station Elementary. Participants will be given a Grab-N-Go snack, lunch, and dinner for that day, as well as a Grab-N-Go breakfast for the following day. Friday distributions at school-based locations also will include meals to sustain children through the weekend. Participants are encouraged to bring a bag to carry home meals each day. Parents/guardians may pick up meals for their child(ren).
SNAP Benefits-Emergency Allotments Flyer-English
Apply for SNAP Benefits today-Flyer-English
Apply for SNAP Benefits Today-Flyer-Spanish
Grocery Delivery Flyer-English
Grocery Delivery Flyer-Spanish
Pop-Up Pantry sponsored by Community Action Council (CAC):
April 22 - Noon - 3 p.m.
Howard Crossing Apartment Homes
8732 Town & Country Blvd.